Journal Monde(s)
Journal Monde(s)
Publishing Director: Robert Frank
Contacts: Stanislas Jeannesson / Laurent Warlouzet
Assistant Editor: Sandra Challin
Editorial Board: Stanislas Jeannesson (Professor, Université de Nantes), Thomas David (Professor, Université de Lausanne),Sabine Dullin (Professor, Sciences Po Paris), Jean-Michel Guieu (Associate Professor, Université Paris I), Pierre Singaravélou (Professor, Université Paris I), Laurent Warlouzet (Professor, Sorbonne University).
The journal Monde(s). Histoire, Espaces, Relations (World(s): History, Spaces, Relations) was created to fill a gap in publishing, as well as to provide a forum for the expression and publication of new trends in international history, such as transnational history, connected history, and global history, which are broadly represented abroad but remain underdeveloped in France.
While a number of history and social science journals including Revue d’Histoire moderne et contemporaine (Journal of Early Modern and Modern History), Vingtième siècle (Twentieth Century), Genèses (Geneses), and Relations internationales (International Relations) have in recent years devoted articles and issues—often of a theoretical or historiographical nature—to these innovative approaches to research, there are no publications that specifically focus on these issues.
The Monde(s) project grew out of encounters between historians in international relations revolving around Robert Frank and the SIRICE joint research unit (Sorbonne-Identités, Relations internationales et civilisations de l’Europe), including researchers from Paris I, Sorbonne University, and the CNRS, and Africanists from the Centre d’études des mondes africains (CEMAf, Center for the Study of African Worlds, at Paris I, revolving around Pierre Boilley. These exchanges were driven by the conviction that the history of transnational phenomena had to be rethought, notably by expanding it with reflections from specialists of all geographic areas, thereby toppling Eurocentric chronologies and perspectives, or ones prisoner to “methodological nationalism” (overly centered on a single continent).
This initiative enjoys a substantial institutional basis: SIRICE and CEMAf alone mobilize 553 researchers (215 members and 338 doctoral students), essentially from Paris I, Paris IV, and the CNRS, along with researchers associated with French and foreign universities and research centers, who collectively ensure a truly international diffusion for the journal.
The journal Monde(s). Histoire, Espaces, Relations is the property of the association (law of 1901): Association of the journal Monde(s). Histoire, Espaces, Relations.
The journal has been published in paper and online formats (2 issues per year) by the Presses Universitaires de Rennes since 2015.
Monde(s) Website available on Cairn
Past issues are available online:
1- Le débat transnational (The Transnational Debate) - edited by Sabine Dullin and Pierre Singaravélou - May 2012
2- Empires - edited by Pierre Boilley and Antoine Marès - November 2012
3- Inventions des continents (The Invention of Continents) - edited by Isabelle Surun and Hugues Tertrais - May 2013
4- Sociétés coloniales. Enquêtes et expertises (Colonial Societies: Explorations and Expertise) - edited by Emmanuelle Sibeud, Claire Fredj and Hélène Blais - November 2013
5- Diplomaties (Diplomacies) - edited by Laurence Badel and Stanislas Jeannesson - May 2014
6- Philanthropies transnationales (Transnational Philanthropy) - edited by Thomas David and Ludovic Tournès - November 2014
7- Profession, juristes internationalistes ? (Profession, Internationalist Jurists?) - edited by Dzovinar Kévonian and Philippe Rygiel - May 2015
8- Chili 1973, un événement mondial (Chile 1973, A Global Event) - edited by Olivier Compagnon and Caroline Moine - November 2015
9- 1914-1918 hors d’Europe. Mobilisations et interprétations (1914-1918 Outside of Europe: Mobilizations and Interpretations) - edited by Robert Frank and Catherine Horel - May 2016
10- Communisme transnational (Transnational Communism) - edited by Sabine Dullin and Brigitte Studer - November 2016
11- Les « années 1968 » : circulations révolutionnaires (The “1968 Years”: Revolutionary Circulations) - edited by Ludivine Bantigny, Boris Gobille and Eugénia Palieraki - May 2017
12- Maghreb-Indochine, comparaisons impériales (Maghreb-Indochina, Imperial Comparisons) - edited by Christophe Goscha and Sylvie Thénault - November 2017
13- Mondialisations financières depuis 1880 (Financial Globalizations Since 1880) - edited by Éric Bussière and Laurent Warlouzet - May 2018
14- L’Europe médiane, carrefours et connexions (Central and Eastern Europe, Crossroads and Connections) - edited by Paul Gradvohl and Antoine Marès - November 2018
15- Réfugiés, sujets d’une histoire globale (Refugees, Subjects of a Global History) - edited by Aline Angoutures and Dzovinar Kévonian - May 2019
16- Mondialisation de l’information. La révolution médiatique du XIXe siècle (The Globalization of Information: The Nineteenth-Century Media Revolution) - edited by Delphine Diaz and Renaud Meltz - November 2019
17- Tristes trophées. Objets et restes humains dans les conquêtes coloniales du XIXe siècle (Sad Trophies: Objects and Human Remains in Nineteenth-Century Colonial Conquests) - edited by Lancelot Arzel and Daniel Foliard - May 2020
18- Décentrer la Guerre froide (Decentre the Cold War) - edited by Justine Faure and Mario del Pero - November 2020
19- La Société des Nations : une expérience de l'internationalisme (The League of Nations: an experience of internationalism) - edited by Jean-Michel Guieu and Stanislas Jeannesson - June 2021
20- Santé globale, des acteurs négligés (Global health, neglected actors) - edited by Yi-Tang Lin et Anne-Emmanuelle Birn - November 2021
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